Saturday, September 10, 2011

How I Spent My Weekend - Saturday

This morning Ms. Mona, who lives next door to me, arranged to take anyone interested, to one of the major tourist attractions in Kuwait - a dhow.  "The Al Hashemi, which is noted in the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest wooden dhow ever built. Launched in March 2000, Al Hashemi is a cultural icon today at this hotel by the Arabian Sea. Constructed over a period of 15 years by 250 skilled craftsmen, the Al Hashemi hosts a grand ballroom and foyer spread across 1,200 square metres and is furnished with a lavish, gold-leaf wooden interior ideal for up to 1,000 guests."  While we were there they staff were setting up for a wedding.
Mona had said that we would have lots of opportunities to take pictures, and she didn't disappoint. It was incredible.  I was truly fascinated with the figurehead on this dhow which I believe is supposed to be a phoenix bird, although I did hear someone today say that it was a peacock.  Either way, it is impressive.  I am also including a couple of picture of me so that you know that I am doing well and actually here. Just in case you had any doubts. Until next time- I'll be here enjoying the 40 plus temperatures while those of you in Lethbridge deal with your measly 32 degree.  :)   

How I Spent My Weekend - Friday

Friday morning saw many of the staff showing up to the school to take a trip to the Friday Market  and the Plant Souk.  According to the Lonely Planet website - the Friday Market is ranked #17 of 68 things to do in Kuwait City.  I don't know what the other ones are, but I will certainly be checking that out.  I have included a picture of the market that I found on the web.  For the most part, the actual wares that people are selling are under these roofs that you can see.  What  it doesn't show is how unbelievably hot it is.  If you stay in the shade it's probably only 40 degrees, but out in the sun it's closer to 47.  Many of the returning staff prefer to go to the Friday market when it gets cooler and now I know why they wait.
And what can you find there you ask? name it, and it's probably there.  New and used clothes, furniture of all descriptions, carpet and linoleum, area rugs, curtains in all the colours of the rainbow, and so much more.  I just saw a small glimpse of it yesterday.  I do want to go back again, once it is cooler, and look at a couple of the end tables that were there.  We were also early enough that we were not too overwhelmed by the crowds.  I can't imagine being out in that heat and having to deal with LARGE numbers of people!!!!!!!
After strolling through the Friday Market, a couple of us went across to the Plant Souk and wandered through the store fronts.  Conservatively speaking, I think the Plant Souk is probably 3 blocks long - shop after shop of plants in almost every size and shape you can think of.  I saw tea roses, rubber trees, diffenbachia, and even a a Bird of Paradise.  I ended up buying Sago Palm.  With all the sun that I get in my apartment, it should do well.  
In the same shop that I bought my plant, they had these plants that made me think of "Harry Potter and his  shrieking mandrake root" .  One of the ladies with me, bought one of these plants, and the root(?)/trunk(?) of the plant looks like an elephant with a baby elephant laying underneath it.  I definitely want to go back and get one of those plants for my apartment.  If nothing else, it's a conversation starter.
All of the group was glad when the busses came back for us and we returned home to our air-conditioned apartments.  I, for one, loaded up on water when I got back to the apartment.  I think that I had sweat 4 litres of water ( and yes it was sweat and not perspiration!!!).  Everyone was commenting how their clothes were dripping wet from sweating so much.  If nothing else, I think we can honestly say that we are renewing/replacing our liquid levels at least every other day, if not everyday.  If I thought drinking enough water was important in Lethbridge, in Kuwait it's imperative.  By myself, I have drank one bottle (18.9 L) since last Sunday night plus the water I drink at school.  If only the cellulite would sweat out as easily .  :)