Saturday, September 10, 2011

How I Spent My Weekend - Saturday

This morning Ms. Mona, who lives next door to me, arranged to take anyone interested, to one of the major tourist attractions in Kuwait - a dhow.  "The Al Hashemi, which is noted in the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest wooden dhow ever built. Launched in March 2000, Al Hashemi is a cultural icon today at this hotel by the Arabian Sea. Constructed over a period of 15 years by 250 skilled craftsmen, the Al Hashemi hosts a grand ballroom and foyer spread across 1,200 square metres and is furnished with a lavish, gold-leaf wooden interior ideal for up to 1,000 guests."  While we were there they staff were setting up for a wedding.
Mona had said that we would have lots of opportunities to take pictures, and she didn't disappoint. It was incredible.  I was truly fascinated with the figurehead on this dhow which I believe is supposed to be a phoenix bird, although I did hear someone today say that it was a peacock.  Either way, it is impressive.  I am also including a couple of picture of me so that you know that I am doing well and actually here. Just in case you had any doubts. Until next time- I'll be here enjoying the 40 plus temperatures while those of you in Lethbridge deal with your measly 32 degree.  :)   

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