Friday, July 6, 2012

Khan el-Khalili

Khan el-Khalili is a souk, or bazaar that dates back to 1382.  It has undergone several changes since it's original start, but it is still one of the major open air markets in the Islamic district of Cairo.  I had been told that it was a must see and I am so glad that I followed the advice and went.  

Once of the major attractions in the Khan el-Khalili is El Fishawy.  This cafe's claim to fame is that it has not closed it's doors in over 200 years.  It is open 24/7.  I went there two nights, accompanied by Shawki, the taxi driver that KW and I hired..  I just loved the atmosphere. Although there is an actual room that is the cafe, most people choose to sit outside, along both sides of the alleyway.  While you sit there and enjoy your sahlab or tea with fresh mint, the house speciality, you can watch all manner of hawkers walk by trying to sell their wares.  If you are lucky there will be oud players and singers.  The first night that I went, I was lucky enough to listen to several oud players and a gentleman that joined them in singing.  I really enjoyed listening to the music.  

In some of the pictures below, I used the mirrors that are hung, what appears to be everywhere, to capture the people and the areas beyond El Fishawy.  I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and would recommend this cafe to anyone.  

This young girl was selling headdresses, like the one on her head.  She was fairly persistent.  There was a quality about her that I tried to capture on camera.  I am not sure that I was totally successful. 

The picture above and the ones that follow are taken while wandering in Khan el-Khalili in the afternoon.  I know that most of the pictures are not of the wares or the people, but I was taken with the detail that I saw on the windows, walls and even the signs.

Oh yes.  There were actually people in the market!!!  :)

Our second day in Cairo included a dust storm.  This was the sun trying to shine during the dust storm.
This mosque was across the road from Khan el-Khalili.  Again, notice the sky and the lack of blue sky.  It was fairly nasty out.

I took this picture on our way home from Khan el-Khalili.  Please notice the McDonald's sign.  They are truly everywhere.

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