Friday, November 11, 2011

Tour and the history of selected sites in downtown Kuwait City - Part V

The next stop on our tour was this diwaniya called Al-Shamlan Historical Diwaniya.  It belongs to one of the old families of Kuwait.  I feel that it was quite an honour to be able to see the inside of this particular one.  After being there, I can totally see how the men would meet and discuss the problems of the country and determine the direction that things should take.

This is just one of three meeting rooms that are in this building.  In past years, the Emir might have actually joined this particular diwaniya.

From the top of the wall of the diwaniya, this is looking down into the same room.  The coloured windows above the door caught my eye.

And what is behind the diwaniya?  Why of course construction!  I marvel every time I see one of the skyscrapers and realize that it has been constructed in sand. I am not sure what the built up centre section is.  If I am here long enough, I may find out.

And behind this construction site, is a building on the way up.

I believe that the rods that you can see in the ground are used to help "secure" the building. 

And what do you do after going on a tour?  Why eat, of course.  We ate at the Safir Hotel.  The restaurant is at the top of the hotel and has a beautiful view of the Gulf and the skyline of Kuwait.  Not a bad way to finish off the tour!
This is some of the desserts that were set up to admire and then consume.

I just couldn't help myself with the above picture and the next two below.  The flower above is created using a cantaloupe and the two below have used a watermelon.  I think most of the people on the tour took pictures of these beautiful "fruit" flowers.  I can't ever remember seeing centre pieces like these.

You can see the Kuwait Towers in the background from this view.

The Kuwait Skyline

Above and below are pictures of the Gulf, and one of the many marinas along the Kuwaiti coast.

A cargo ship, probably on it's way out from Kuwait to points unknown.

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