Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Counting Down

As of today, I can actually admit that I am just a bit nervous.  Still very much excited, but the nerves are beginning to kick in.  I have packed 2 suitcases and have partially filled one Rubber Maid tote.  I have purchased another tote, just in case I need it, and of course I will.  I didn't think that I would have that much to take, but I do - and it's not all books!!!!
I have been downloading CD's onto my MP3 player, enough to last me for the year I am hoping.  It's been fun listening to various songs as they are downloaded, but the actual process of downloading and then placing them on the MP3 player has been rather tedious.
Aurora's birthday is on Saturday, and I am realizing just how much that little girl has become part of my everyday routine.  I will miss her so much.  Susan and I did a practice run on SKYPE and Aurora did very well with it, although she couldn't understand why we would be talking on the computer like that, when  she knew I was upstairs in my den. (She had come up earlier to wake me - just in case I needed some help, so she knew where I was.)
These past couple of weeks I have been taking pictures of family and Southern Alberta so that I can download them onto my digital frame.  I'm sure that there is more than one person that was questioning my sanity as I took oodles of pictures of the windmills, south of Fort Macleod.  Of course, the foothills and mountains were part of these pictures.  For me, it will be interesting to find out how much I miss the Prairies, foothills and mountains, after a year living in Kuwait.  With Kuwait being as close to so many different countries, I think that I may be able to find some adequate substitutes for each of these.  That's my story and I am sticking to it.
I am looking forward to taking my first pictures of Kuwait and posting them for people to view.  Until then, you are just going to have to put up with my "writing".
Until later.

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