Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Safe Arrival in Kuwait

I arrived in Kuwait last night at 11:00 p.m. Kuwait time.  By then I had been up 32 hours.  Of course by the time we were dropped off at our apartments, I was wide awake, so decided to unpack then.  Today we go grocery shopping.  I am looking forward to seeing what is available here for produce, especially the fruits.
According to the computer, the temperature at the moment is 43 degrees.  Last year for orientation, the temperature was 10 degrees hotter.  My apartment is airconditioned, as are the classrooms at the school.  I certainly am counting my blessings about that.
I am not sure when I will be able to post pictures on the blog. Presently, I am using the school's computers. To get an internet hookup, I need a residence's ID number, and I am not sure when that will occurr.  My principal was saying today, that after an entire year, she still doesn't have a Kuwait Drivier's License.  She keeps running into road blocks.  (Sorry about the pun there.)  I hope that is not my fate.
I will close for the moment.  I just wanted everyone to know that I am safe and sound in Kuwait, although etxtremely hot.  Will keep you posted on how things are going.  Until then, take care.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you've arrived and are settling in! It just hit me that I won't be looking for you after opening mass on Tuesday. I'm a little sad:(
    But so excited for you, of course! What a beautiful city.
    Mary Lynn of the Mary Assessment Specialists
